The chootboglitanical period


"This holy planet began to fulfill its aim long after the period of the flow of time when the process of 'creation' of the now-existing 'world' had been finished.

     "In the beginning, all the 'highest being-bodies,' like those who now have the place of their existence on this holy planet, went directly to our Most Holy Sun Absolute; but later, when that all-universal calamity which we call the 'chootboglitanical period' occurred in the Megalocosmos, similar 'highest being-bodies,' having lost the possibility of blending directly with our Most Holy Sun Absolute, began to dwell on this holy planet.

     "Only after this 'chootboglitanical period' did the necessity arise for that order of universal functioning which this Holy Planet Purgatory fulfills at the present time.

     "And from then on, the whole surface of this holy planet was organized and adapted for these highest being-bodies as the place of their subsequent unavoidable existence."


 Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson, G.I. Gurdjieff, Viking Arkana Edition, 1992, page 682