"Here it is important to emphasize that the learned three-brained beings who belonged to the group of the mysterists in Babylon did indeed reproduce amazingly well and accurately the subjective features of the perceptions and manifestations of various types foreign to them. "And they were able to do this not only because they possessed the being-property of 'ikhriltatzkakra,' but also because, like all the learned beings of the plant Earth of that time, they were well versed in what is called the 'law of type,' and were well aware of the twenty-seven quite distinct types of three-brained beings on their planet, and even of what the beings of each type would inevitably perceive in this or that situation, how they would perceive it, and what would have to be their reaction."
Beelzebub’s Tales to his Grandson, G. I. Gurdjieff, Viking Arcana, 1992, p.443